Expert insights and analysis on complex and emerging issues to help mining countries and the industry stay informed on evolving opportunities for good governance in mining.
Please accept our best wishes for the new year and our thanks to all those who have contributed to the IGF’s success in 2016. It is a busy period for the IGF Secretariat as the IISD team expands to fulfill the ambitious agenda of IGF members and its primary funder, the Government of Canada.
MInGov is a newly-developed tool that comprehensively analyzes a country’s mining sector and its context, and identifies sector governance strengths and weaknesses. It pinpoints in detail where the sector is not functioning as it should.
More than 100 countries are working together to address tax base erosion and profit shifting through the G20/OECD BEPS initiative. The Inclusive Framework on BEPS aims to address significant gaps in existing national and international tax rules that are exploited by multinational corporations. The initiative has outlined 15 BEPS Actions that arm governments with the tools to combat aggressive... View Article