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Critical Raw Materials: A production and trade outlook

Perspectives from African, Caribbean, and Pacific States

Members of the Organisation of the African, Caribbean, and Pacific States (OACPS) collectively possess significant reserves of critical raw materials, and some countries boast very high shares of global production.

However, unlocking the full potential of OACPS countries' mineral endowment and current position in the value chains requires both an understanding of the geological and economic landscape and a concerted effort to address the challenges and leverage the opportunities presented by the global market dynamics. Importantly, it is crucial to move beyond raw materials production and make strategic moves to add more value to unprocessed raw materials. This remains a more urgent imperative in light of our countries' collective aspirations to escape the cycle of serial commodity dependence by advancing sustainable and inclusive economic development.

This report is an essential background document that aims to inform a comprehensive position paper to support the OACPS Secretariat in developing its critical raw materials strategies. It provides a thorough scan of the current state of production and trade of critical raw materials in the three regions as well as global dynamics partners’ driving strategies to secure access to these raw materials, offering key insights that are vital for policy formulation and strategic planning.